“Jingle bees, jingle bees,
Jingle all the way…”
This is how we sing one of the most renowned Christmas carols and with a wing beats we fly straight to Haiti.
Also this year we support the Fondazione Francesca Rava - N.P.H. Italia Onlus with a very special project: JINGLE BEES, our solidarity song for the children in Haiti.
From December 8th to January 6th, in every Obicà in Italy and London, for each T'a Milano Chocolate served with coffee, we donate 1 pound to the Foundation to buy bees.

From 2010, we achieved important projects for the community in Haiti thanks to your contribution: we opened three mobile bakeries to give food and work to the local population, we distributed 10,500 kg of pasta and, with the 2017 charity A cow under the Tree, we donated 18 cows for the production of milk.
This year’s goal is fighting malnutrition by producing honey for the orphans or abandoned children, living in the Baby House and in the House of NPH - the organization represented and supported in Italy by Fondazione Francesca Rava.
The bees, small but very important in nature to preserve the ecosystem, are the main characters of our new charity project thanks to their inimitable nectar, nutritive and easily digestible.
So come and give your support during the Festive Period!
And thank you so much!